Thursday, January 25, 2018

Welcome to 3rd Quarter!

It's hard to believe that half the year has already flown by.  Hold on to your hats, this quarter goes very fast.  Everyone has come back to school ready to work and seems to be a year older!  Here are some things coming up on our schedule:
Ms. Kelly Lyons will come present a workshop to our second grade students. She has several books in our media center. 
Report cards on Monday
Hurricanes practice on Feb. 21st
Enterprise Day will be toward the end of Feb. (Details coming in Monday folder)
Please look at the tab "Calendar" for important dates

In Math, we are wrapping up our study of time.  We can tell and write time to 5 minute intervals, use digital and analog clocks, and tell whether the time is a.m. or p.m.  Hold on to your pockets, money is next!

In Social Studies, we are beginning the unit on Economics.  This is a fun unit, learning about producers and consumers, wants and needs and supply and demand.  We end by having an Enterprise Day. Each student will produce a product, decide on a price and create a display.  All the second grade will come shopping with the "school bucks" they've earned this quarter.  Look for details in next week's Monday Folder.

Writing will include realistic fiction and then, poetry.

In Literacy, we are learning how a character responds to the problem/challenge in a story and how he/she finds a solution.

Keep students reading and responding at night.  Happy Winter!

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